What is the Nearest Airport to Akron, Ohio?

Are you searching for the closest airport to Akron, Ohio? Look no further! The nearest airport to Akron, Ohio is the Akron-Canton Airport (CAK). This airport is situated just 14 miles from downtown Akron and provides domestic flights. If you're looking for a more economical flight, there may be other airports near Akron that offer more affordable options. Travelmath can help you find the closest airport to any city, as well as a list of smaller local airports.

Search for direct flights from your hometown and find hotels near CAK, or scroll down to see more international or domestic airports. You can also search for direct flights from your hometown and find hotels near Akron, Ohio, or scroll up to see more international or domestic airports. No matter where you're flying from, Travelmath can assist you in locating the closest airport to your destination. With our user-friendly search engine, you can quickly compare flight prices and find the best deals on airfare.

We also provide a list of smaller local airports that may offer more cost-effective options. So don't wait - start planning your trip today!.

Shari Iannotti
Shari Iannotti

Subtly charming music lover. Infuriatingly humble pizza specialist. Infuriatingly humble twitter nerd. Passionate tv lover. Proud pop culture lover.

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